Development with Node.js: Efficient Creation of Digital Products

Ilustração representando o Node.js como uma ferramenta poderosa para o desenvolvimento de produtos digitais escaláveis e de alto desempenho.

Development with Node.js is one of the main execution tools in programming, acting in the backend of projects for the creation of digital products.

Its performance is remarkable, which is why major applications like Uber, LinkedIn, Medium, Netflix, and PayPal utilize it.

Companies across various sectors have chosen development with Node.js for its error-checking capabilities, superior debugging, and real-time development features.

For instance, PayPal reported that its app, built using Node.js, was created almost twice as fast and required fewer resources, utilizing 33% fewer lines of code and 40% fewer files.

Although we work with over 20 stacks currently, the choice of the best tool for a project depends on the specific objectives of each solution. Key factors include understanding the current needs of our partners and their customers.

But does this choice impact product delivery, or does it also depend on who is behind the code?

First, let’s talk about development with Node.js?

In a conversation with Tech Leader Ivan Hoinacki and backend developer Leonardo Rocha, we recalled that Node.js began being used at ília in 2015, in a project that connected the medical sector with technology.

From the very first delivery, we enhanced connectivity between our client and service users through a fully intuitive and effective app available on both Android and iOS.

Our decision to adopt development with Node.js was right, as we have delivered outstanding results since the beginning.

We now develop numerous solutions with the help of Node.js, especially those that depend on APIs. These digital products cater to all devices and applications.

Through development with Node.js, we meet demanding requirements that involve communication with multiple frameworks.

The name Node.js is not a mere coincidence

Briefly introducing the tool: Node.js is an RTE (Runtime Environment), where a program or application runs.

It is the hardware and software infrastructure that supports the execution of a specific code base in real time.

Node.js has this name precisely because it was created based on a specific language, JavaScript.

How so? Well, JavaScript was initially executed in frontend development to create interfaces that run on the user’s device and not on the servers. It is well known in the development community for being fast, dynamic, and accessible.

Then came the idea of creating a tool that would meet the demands of JavaScript from the server’s point of view. Thus, Node.js was born.

The advantages of using Node.js in development are so many here in ília that Ivan Hoinacki had the hard task of separating eight reasons for you to adopt the tool in your applications as well.

Why do we use Node.js at ília for development? We have eight reasons

1 – Performance and scalability

In Ivan’s words:

“Node.js is built on the Chrome V8 engine, a Google creation. It allows Node to provide a server-side runtime environment that compiles and executes JavaScript at lightning speed.”

From this, we can already understand that this is one of the main factors that helps our digital products to be exponential.

2 – Low learning curve

Node.js has the characteristic of one of the best RTEs today – having a low learning curve.

The web has become much more geared toward real-time interaction, according to surveys we conducted with our business partners’ users.

From a discovery process, we understand what the users of a given application need, and we can execute what they want and need.

With this statement, we already start to see a spoiler that, for us, a tool being easily executed is not enough, we also count on agile methodologies and people with determination and constant learning.

And this leads us to the third reason: Node.js performs very well with real-time applications.

3 – Performance with real-time applications

This means an architecture that serves both the client side and the server side, making the user experience more fluid and seamless.

As a result, it shows a great performance gain for digital products that require real-time communication.

4 – Node Package Manager support with advanced modules

The fourth reason is essential for developers, because Node.js has NPM (Node Package Manager) support with advanced modules.

This way, a Node.js developer can package their libraries and solutions into a module that anyone can install using Node’s official package manager, NPM.

We like Node.js in our projects precisely because of its speed and agility without losing quality, which aligns perfectly with our goals. The fifth reason says exactly that.

5 – A single useful code base

Using Node.js it is easy to send and synchronize data between server-side and client-side coding.

That way, because the same JavaScript language is used on both sides, the source code will be cleaner and more consistent. So you only need a single useful code base.

6 – Streaming Data with Development using Node.js

Node.js comes to handle data, with this Input/Output process of information, it allows users to transcode media files simultaneously while they are being uploaded.

It takes less time compared to other data processing methods. This feature marries very well with one of our expertise, data.

With the use of Node.js we are able to go further in building microservices, Ivan’s seventh reason for using Node.

7 – Suitable for building microservices

Node.js is highly scalable and lightweight, so it is our favorite for microservice architectures.

In short, microservice architectures mean breaking up the application into isolated, independent services.

This makes it easier to update and maintain the architecture because its services are decoupled and it makes it possible to add to or patch the existing architecture without dealing with the other parts of the application.

Anyway, after many reasons to choose and use Node.js as a daily tool for creating digital products, we come to the last one (if it was up to the team there would be many more reasons).

8 – Strong corporate support

In 2015, several companies, including IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Fidelity, SAP, organized a Node.js Foundation.

It is an independent community and aims to facilitate the development of their core tools.

The foundation was formed to accelerate the development of the tool, which has enabled wide adoption to Node.js, creating strong corporate support and amazing partnerships.

Learn also: Flutter: a hybrid framework on the rise

What Industries Can Benefit from Development with Node.js?

In the words of Leonardo Rocha, as a Node.js developer:

“Here at ília, by using Node.js in projects in the financial industry, mobility, insurance, medical, tourism, air travel and others, we have already created several projects with solutions based on our clients’ needs.”

In these projects, Node.js was essential for these solutions to be built for resilient and scalable applications.

With Node.js, we were able to meet the specific needs of each client, together with access controls, file management, notification management, automated task execution, and data intelligence. Impressive, isn’t it?

All this helps our team to build ever more amazing solutions for our customers. Want to know how? Get in touch with us!