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Trends at Web Summit Rio 2024: An ília perspective on the event

Imagem capturada do palco principal do Web Summit Rio 2024

The Web Summit Rio is an event of global magnitude that took place from April 15th to 18th. During this time, people from around the world gathered to share experiences, acquire new knowledge, and stay up to date on the most relevant trends at Web Summit Rio 2024.

At the Riocentro, over 34,000 people attended the event. Notably, it featured numerous booths from renowned companies in the market. Consequently, this provided participants with valuable opportunities to learn more about each company’s activities and, naturally, establish new professional connections.

Moreover, Web Summit Rio 2024 was one of the most anticipated events in the technology and innovation scene. It brought forth a plethora of insights and debates that will shape the future of the sector in the years to come, particularly through the exploration of key trends at Web Summit Rio 2024.

In this article, we will highlight the key points of the event and illustrate how we, as a technology company specialized in digital solutions, are attentive to the opportunities and relevant content shaping the present and future in the technology and innovation sector.

Trends at Web Summit Rio 2024

Web Summit Rio 2024 explored a wide variety of themes reflecting emerging trends and contemporary challenges in the digital world. The event highlighted the most relevant trends at Web Summit Rio 2024, offering insights into the latest developments and innovations in the sector.

We had a presence at the main lectures, innovative product demonstrations, and practical workshops, which yielded many market insights for our areas of operation. Check it out.

Practical Banking sector innovations

In the banking sector theme of the financial industry, Tarciana Paula Gomes Medeiros, CEO of Banco do Brasil, and Glauber Mota, CEO of Revolut Brazil, presented a new perspective on the evolution of traditional banking practices.

They highlighted how innovative technologies are reshaping the financial sector, adapting it to meet the demands and expectations of future customers.

The discussion ranged from the digitization of banking services to the development of more accessible, agile, and personalized financial solutions.

They explored how financial institutions are integrating technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analysis to offer more efficient and customer-centric experiences.

On the Web Summit Rio 2024 stage, Ms. Medeiros emphasized that there is a bank for every customer and that the challenge is to balance the delivery of physical and digital banking for each region. In this context, Ponto BB was launched, Banco do Brasil’s first phygital agency, as part of the strategy to balance their physical and digital presence.

She also highlighted that Banco do Brasil reaches 93% of the country’s municipalities, emphasizing the importance of the bank’s physical network as its main strength.

Tarciana mentioned Brazil’s social diversity, especially when considering more remote areas, and how physical reach is essential for banking inclusion, even with the growing importance of the digital world.

This transformation promises not only to optimize processes but also to create opportunities for innovation and growth in the financial market.

Global Scaling strategies

Still on Day 1, one of the themes that caught our attention on the main stage of the event was the lecture “Scaling Internationally: Conquering New Markets,” presented by CloudWalk founder and CEO Luis Silva, and Kushki’s co-founder and president Sebastián Castro Galnares.

Mr. Silva highlighted the beginning of internationalization into the United States, a highly competitive market, for various strategic reasons.

He emphasized that the American market is 10 times larger than the Brazilian one, offering a significant growth and scaling opportunity.

Additionally, the United States is in the early stages of digital payments adoption, indicating ample room for innovation and expansion in this sector.

Another crucial aspect mentioned was market knowledge. Despite high inflation, the company’s previous experience in dealing with this scenario can be effectively applied in the United States.

Timing was also emphasized as a crucial factor, as entering a growing market with a unique solution can provide a significant competitive advantage.

These strategies and insights glimpsed at Web Summit Rio 2024 align with the current moment of international expansion, prompting reflection on improving strategies to successfully expand offerings to other countries.

Diversity in business

Topics related to diversity and inclusion were also highlighted on this day, with Angelita Oliveira, Simone Berry, and Tatiana Schibuola exploring the importance of diversity in business and society at large.

They emphasized the significant contributions of women to the profitability of companies and highlighted how diversity drives creativity and profitability.

Further emphasizing the importance of leveraging female talent to drive business success, these discussions are especially relevant considering ongoing actions to promote a fairer job market for women. Diversity is not limited to just women but encompasses all forms of diversity.

It is crucial to make diversity a tangible and measurable part of company operations and goals. This approach aims to ensure that diversity is treated as a strategic plan, not just as a superficial inclusion issue.

AI innovations for Customer Service

Between the second and third days of Web Summit Rio 2024, we witnessed lectures from prominent names in today’s technology. Nubank’s CTO, Vitor Olivier, presented the AI-driven banking revolution.

Financial services are complex, and simply expanding access, speed, and ease of use are not enough. The issue goes beyond providing access, involving the offering of guidance, support, and trust.

Many people still do not have an optimized financial life, and this is where artificial intelligence can play a crucial role. With artificial intelligence, we can help people save, protect, and spend their money more efficiently.

To compete in this market, it is fundamental to build a truly customer-centric culture. This means going beyond simply offering financial services but rather adding value together with customers.

Artificial intelligence will be an essential tool in this process, acting as a personalized financial assistant in the pocket of each person and amplifying the capabilities of financial improvement and service efficiency.

Danilo Silva, Head of Technology and Innovation at Grupo Soma, and Gustavo Schifino, Director of Innovation at Stone, shared insights and strategies for integrating online and offline channels in unified commerce.

Mr. Silva emphasized the importance of customer service, stating, “Our customer service team needs to be able to resolve any type of problem our customer faces, even if it involves areas they do not have direct action on. It is essential to ensure quick contact with the areas involved for effective short-term resolution.”

Maximizing Experience with Technology and Innovation: Trends at Web Summit Rio 2024 and the Path of ília

By participating in Web Summit Rio 2024, ília immersed itself in topics that directly echo its activities in the technology market.

In a moment of international expansion and strengthening in the Brazilian market, the company is focused on sustainable and strategic growth, aiming to deliver high-quality and assertive digital solutions to its customers.

ília is already immersed in Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives, such as GenIA, predictive AI, Machine Learning, and Salesforce Einstein AI, through its research laboratory. These technologies are being successfully applied to various clients, propelling the company to new heights of innovation.

Additionally, the company has a constant concern for its employees’ experience, especially highlighted during Web Summit Rio 2024. With a dedicated Employee Experience department, ília seeks to promote gender equity, diversity, and inclusion in its corporate environment.

This commitment has earned ília recognition as one of the Best Companies for Women to Work For, ranking 9th in the Great Place To Work Brazil. This is a reflection of the company’s ongoing efforts to promote an inclusive and dynamic work environment for all women in the organization.

Women at the Forefront of Technology: Trends at Web Summit Rio 2024

We had a 100% female presence at Web Summit Rio 2024, with the attendance of Amanda Monteiro, Growth Director, Laura Freitas, Lead Generation and Marketing Coordinator, Marina Correia, Employer Branding Coordinator, Beatriz Jordão, Product Owner, Graziele Wionn, Account Manager, Serena Tanus, Sales Manager, Evellyn Ribeiro, Salesforce Analyst, and Maria Luiza Pellicer, Talent Partner.

Our ambassadors contributed valuable insights aligned with their respective areas of expertise, which we are sharing in this article.

Tickets for the event were distributed through the Women’s Chapter, a space dedicated to knowledge exchange and the generation of new ideas.

Through initiatives like these, driven by our commitment to increasing female participation in technology, we are reducing gender disparity at ília.

Creating inclusive work environments, offering specific training and mentoring programs for women, and raising awareness of the importance of gender diversity for innovation and business success are essential.

Our Ambassadors at Web Summit Rio 2024

Beyond Web Summit Rio 2024: the future of Digital Innovation

As we bid farewell to Web Summit Rio 2024, it becomes even more evident that the future of digital innovation is full of promises and possibilities.

This event reaffirmed ília’s commitment to being at the forefront of these transformations, ready to lead and actively contribute to this promising digital future.

We want to bring these innovations to you with maximum accuracy and speed. We have already impacted thousands of people worldwide with our digital products.

Now, we go beyond what was explored at Web Summit Rio 2024. Together, we will build a more digital, sustainable, and inclusive future. We are excited about this journey alongside you! Check it out here.