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Chatbots: optimization and efficiency in customer service


It is likely that you have heard of chatbots, or even have come into contact with this technology when being served by a company.

The question is, do you know the details of this solution and all the possibilities it can offer your business?

Today we bring you some market insights and alternatives that the use of a chatbot can add to your reality. Let’s get to it?

First of all, it is important to note that not all customer service via online chat is a chatbot.

There are webchats, which are conversations via web chat, and there are chatbots, which are robots answering some specific questions asked during the conversation.

So what is the difference between chatbot and webchat?

Currently, some companies have more webchats (chat-based customer service) than chatbots (with automation).

However, a chatbot is much more efficient in solving interactions that can be easily identified. An example of this is when the user contacts the company looking for some very quick information, such as opening hours.

With a chatbot, it is entirely feasible to answer this type of question instantly, which dispenses the need of a human attendant answering the same question over and over again. 

Consequently saving time, manpower, and optimizing the service – which often does not happen with webchat – which requires an attendant to see the message and respond.

It is important to highlight an incredible advantage of the process of implementing this technology: the standardization of customer service. With standardization, the service becomes more traceable and effective.

If the robot is unable to answer the customer, there is the possibility of the chatbot transferring to a human service within the conversation.

What are the main types of chatbot?

A chatbot can be seen in two ways: consultative or resolutive.

These are nomenclatures used by our developers, especially to differentiate the main purposes of a chatbot.

The consultative chatbot is useful for helping the customer by delivering simple information.

The resolutive chatbot is a chatbot that delivers more complex information, enabling the solution of a simple or complex problem.

For example, a consultative chatbot made for a consortium can tell the customer exactly when the next meeting will take place.

A resolving chatbot, on the other hand, in addition to the date of the meeting, may offer the possibility for the customer to make a bid, right there on the chat.

In practice, this means that the resolving chatbot will possibly need integration with different systems to respond to interactions optimally and accurately.

In addition, each chatbot has a persona. It can, for example, be configured for a customer service area.

This way it will answer all your company’s customers’ questions.

It can also be a chatbot that will integrate your sales area, showing the company’s products to those who are not yet customers.

Therefore, it is important that the technology can talk to various systems/databases, which will allow it to take on different functions.

When we talk about format, chatbots present us with a range of possibilities. In the first generation of chatbots, when artificial intelligence was not yet so viable, it was necessary to map all the customers’ query lines, or, as an alternative, offer a menu of options for the person to choose from, which is still in vogue today.

This solution may work, but it does not make the conversation as natural as using a new generation chatbot.

In any scenario, we all agree that user experience is an important pillar in any industry.

The chatbot learns from every piece of data accessed

At ília, we usually create chatbots through Salesforce, with the Einstein module, which is the platform’s own artificial intelligence. Through it, it is possible to obtain a more analytical method of interpreting what the person is asking and arrive at the intention of the answer.

It is also possible to analyze the user’s feelings to interpret reactions of irony, anger, and satisfaction.

Another very advanced issue, but one that is already being done, is the interpretation of other algorithms, such as receiving photos or voice (instead of text) to make information detection (like facial recognition) and follow up with the service.

It is the machine learning algorithms that make the user experience even richer, more complete and exciting.

Why do we build chatbots from Salesforce?

Creating a chatbot from scratch is relatively simple for those who already have this expertise, but building the neural networks to be able to assemble the decisions is a very complex process, which is why adding value and speed is so important.

As previously mentioned, we usually create chatbots from Salesforce. The platform allows us to configure the chatbot through an enabled module within the CRM, and this is exactly one of the main differentiators of ília.

With Salesforce, we are able to deliver an MVP within a few weeks, with the chatbot already running, without the need for any kind of initial configuration.

This is possible due to the data obtained through the CRM integration, resulting in an AI-enabled chatbot.

In practice, this means that the answers offered to the customer during the bot’s service are aligned with the information available in the CRM.

When requesting an invoice, for example, the bot can query open invoices from that customer and provide them with the alternatives.

The value we have with this, in terms of time to money, is excellent!

Besides, other chatbots work basically by decision trees, needing constant feeding, while with Salesforce there is the opportunity for the bot itself to start learning by itself, based on what the customer is writing.

It understands what the customer is asking and suggests dialogs unique to that purpose, there are few other tools that can do that.

Salesforce also stands out for its integration, as it links to all systems.

With this, the customer is able to perform self-service regardless of where the information is: in the financial system, in another CRM, or in a helpdesk.

The bot can perfectly meet this demand, without having to go from one place to another, because the platform allows for a 360º view.

For the best results, the best team

Salesforce makes it very easy to optimize the creation of our chatbots. However, without the right people, our deliveries wouldn’t be as awesome!

A big part of a chatbot’s success depends on the team involved in the process, who need to master the tool and have the expertise to create natural-sounding texts based on the customer’s communication. 

Therefore, we highlight the importance of specialized UX Designers to complement this process, adding the vision of the user’s journey so that the delivery is assertive, increasingly surprising to the customer.

Within this same premise, it is essential to have a good UX Writer on the team to analyze the way a human attendant communicates, trying to make the interactions made by the robot fluid and familiar.

Their goal is to make sure that the answers are adequate and that the user will understand them easily, so that there is no miscommunication during the interaction.

Another very important profile in this process is the Curator, who is the person responsible not only for the client’s vision of what we are proposing as new functionalities, but also for evaluating the intentions that are being developed in order to adjust whatever is necessary.

A third important profile for a chatbot team is the Data Analyst. We have a person in the projects who specializes in creating dashboards and reports. This professional usually uses specific metrics to further improve the user’s journey.

Thus, speeding up the capture of information and transforming it into management data so that the customer can draw insights from it, and understand points of improvement of the flow.

This analytical part is essential to know if the product we create is being as assertive as we planned at the time of the strategy!

Is a chatbot right for your company?

It probably is! Virtually every service vertical has some sales or service process that can be facilitated by the use of chatbots.

In addition, chatbots can work internally in companies to solve HR-related questions, for example, or to orient new employees.

Generally speaking, if you are looking for a tool that will reduce your costs, your customer service time, and increase the effectiveness of your services, a chatbot is the ideal solution to help you.

In one of ília’s success cases, 65% of the calls are initiated by the chatbot, a rate well above the market, exactly because of the union of the tool’s intelligence combined with the experience of our professionals.

For questions that really need a person’s answer, it is necessary to forward them to the physical team, which with this optimization can allow for a much smaller and more specialized team.

It is also necessary to remember that chatbots are always evolving, and will not always be fully assertive in the beginning, but with time and machine learning, improvements are implemented and the service becomes much more efficient.

Creating chatbots is a demand that is the apple of our eyes here at ília, because it connects with our three pillars:

Design, in the sense of what the function of the chatbot is and how it communicates.

Technology, which enables the integration with Salesforce and other systems.

Data, which is essential not only to improve the chatbot’s performance, but also to ensure assertiveness, and that our product is delivering value to the client’s company.

Learn more about how deploying Salesforce and chatbots can further impact your market presence.

Schedule a conversation with our experts now and understand why we are the reference in enterprise technology.