Product discovery for insurance companies
Product Discovery



In partnership with the Peruvian insurance company Interseguro, ília conceived and designed a solution to improve their user experience with their products. The role of ília was to carry out a Product Discovery process, listening to the needs of managers and users, proposing, creating, testing and validating prototypes for the insurer’s digital channels.


ília was responsible for updating Look&Feel and the user experience on the web channel.

“We did a workshop with the company to hear what they wanted, to know what didn’t work, what could be improved, and to do a technical analysis of what already existed. The next step was to understand the user’s behavior and needs. All of this while being abroad. “This is our great differential, doing a good Product Discovery”, assesses Marcelo Lima, ília‘s Account Manager for this project.

Product Discovery is a method that collects the maximum amount of information about users, market, and the client’s business for a deep understanding of a digital solution more aligned to the needs and reality of the end user, always considering the technical viability of implementing what is being proposed.

It’s an immersion in the client’s market: researching their competitors, understanding what kind of language they use, how they reach their users. We also analyze aspects , both visual and content, of what the product delivers today,” explains Marcos Almeida, ília‘s Experience Leader on this project.

Due to lack of time to listen directly to users, one of ília‘s challenges was to do the behavior analysis through different channels. For example, social networks, where there was a search for comments about the pains and needs expressed in Interseguro’s posts.

The Product Discovery process also included how insurance works, how it is contracted, and its periodicity. As well as an analysis of the current product, to see where people click, whether they access it more via desktop or mobile.


Population of Peru
0 M
Tests performed


The Process

Product Discovery helps building impactful digital products faster and more assertively , one of ília‘s expertises. Most products come about through assumptions. Often, companies don’t bother to validate their hypotheses before launching something into the market.

What we did was exactly the opposite. We tried to understand the opportunities to improve what already existed, made visual and interaction suggestions to improve it, tested our suggestions with users, adjusted what needed to be adjusted, and were able to launch a product more in line with the needs of the final consumer,” explains Almeida.


UI & Design

By mapping the user journey, ília’s team was able to understand and propose improvements that would make Interseguro’s customer’s life easier. For example, the possibility for the user to automatically renew their insurance. “Many times, the client doesn’t know that there are opportunities for improvement in their current flows until our team shows them new paths that are more aligned with their users’ expectations,” believes Almeida.


The Journey

In an agile environment, ília’s and Interseguro’s teams worked together to define and prioritize what should be done in each sprint, a period of time, usually two weeks, where the team performs the tasks that were prioritized and elected during the planning meeting.

Next, we started the ideation phase, where suggestions for improvements were shared among the teams. During this stage, the teams engaged in workshops that defined what would be the ideal user journey, solving mapped problems. This phase clarified the new structure and flow that the product should have.

In the design process, once again involving the client, we sought to understand the visual preferences that should be followed to build the product. The result was the creation of a high-fidelity navigable prototype, with new interactions and flows, improving the user experience.

With the screens ready, it was time to validate our proposal. Online usability tests were created, where we put the prototype in the hands of real users to gather feedback and understand possible problems and difficulties faced by them.

More than 476 people tested and shared their opinions about the product. Based on the test results, we observed that users liked the new experience and found it easier to perform the desired tasks.


Sebastian Guillen

Digital Product Owner at

I am very pleased with the work done with ília. The way the team was able to put themselves in our customers’ shoes from the very first stage of the project and deeply understand how they think and what motivates them. It’s not easy, considering that ília is a foreign company. I also highlight the speed in updating our prototypes upon receiving feedback from us and the customers,” declares Sebastian Guillen, Digital Product Owner at Interseguro.

With the product adjusted and validated, we worked on the hand-off to Interseguro’s development team. “The work methodology was a differential. The way the tasks were prioritized for each sprint, taking into account our main needs and the checkpoints (meetings to involve the client in the creation process), was very useful to make quick changes,” concludes Guillen.